DW Tips

5 Ways to Reboot Your Company's SEO Content Strategy

Aug 16, 2019 by kidd

Content marketing isn't just a strategy you can pick or ignore anymore. Instead, it's rapidly becoming the mainstay for how companies stay on the mobile traffic map. If your company has a content marketing strategy on the back burner or your company used to have a robust content strategy that fell by the wayside, here are five ways to get it on track:

1. Revamp old content.

If you have good content that's a bit old, bring it back to life. Update the sources, add a new intro and call to action, and optimize the formatting. Google's algorithm bots will notice and rank it higher.

2. Add static pages of what your visitors need to know.

Business blogs are only one type of content. Build static pages for all of your services, getting more and more specific as the catalog grows. These act a bit like landing pages for visitors who are searching for the precise service they need.

3. Start a consistent posting strategy.

No one knows how much consistent posting matters to search engine algorithms. However, it does matter to your followers and subscribers. A consistent schedule is also easier for a team of content creators to follow. Good content marketing needs to be routine.

4. Build pillars of your core services and branch out.

When you are ready to focus on a business blog, find ideas by combing through those static service pages you built. Flesh out detailed points and hyperlink to them in the original "pillar" piece. That keeps your content on point and easy for interested readers to find.

5. Don't forget graphical and video content.

Content marketing isn't just about writing. Pictures, infographics, and video (especially video) are all important parts of content marketing. Once your website is fleshed out so algorithms know what to think of your site, start building up libraries of video content, too.

For the right website to showcase all of your content and company services, contact our team at Designer Digital.
