DW Tips

4 Rules You Need to Follow for SEO

Mar 9, 2018 by kidd

When it comes to writing for the internet, some of the rules are the same. You still need to make sure that you're writing concisely, possibly even more concisely than you write for print publications. And you still have to make sure that you don't make any spelling and grammatical mistakes. These are elementary rules that everyone needs to follow.

seo rules

But it's also important to alter your tone in order to suit your audience and keep your content relevant to the topic at hand. Overall, you have to walk a fine line between writing well and marketing your product.

  1. Concise Content: For SEO, you need to make sure that your content is brief. You can't write pages and pages of description, even if they are accurate because most people who are on the internet don't have very long attention spans. Brevity is the soul of wit, as they say. So make sure that you write concise, well-written content for your online presence.
  2. Spelling and Grammar: It goes without saying that your content should contain no spelling and grammar mistakes. This is likely to turn your customer off because it makes for very choppy reading. If you aren't the best proofreader, make sure you find someone who is, to go over the content before you go ahead and put it up on the internet.
  3. Tone: The tone of your content is important for SEO. Ideally, your tone needs to be geared to your audience. So if your audience is young, then your tone can be very conversational. Your language can contain slang and references to pop culture. But if your audience is older, you might want to adopt a more formal tone. You want to come across as reliable and dependable.
  4. Relevance: In the short term, creating content which is not relevant but very popular (like writing about celebrities) can lead to an increase in traffic to your website. But in the long run this can actually have a detrimental effect on SEO because people will see that you're just trying to get their interest in what you're selling instead of providing information on the topic that interests them.

Contact us for more great tips for optimizing your content for search engines.
