DW Tips

Website Support: From Concept to Execution

Oct 4, 2013 by Paul

Designing a high quality website takes years of knowledge coming together; and an effective website support team can get you there. Like a movie production, website development is also a big project that needs to be approached with a strategy.

In other words, follow a development process that requires steps that define, design, develop, test and launch and maintain your website. From concept to execution, you should be able to

Determine site goals

Define your goals so you can achieve the design or redesign of the site. Convey multiple locations, provide quick access to key information for website users, and make sure your call of action is visible on your site.

Create a project plan

Keep your plan level high, make a list, and prioritize it; gather all your necessary business requirements. And, figure out how much time, money, and people you need to accomplish each step.

Build site maps

The design phase is your chance to create the blueprint for your site. Without a site plan you wouldn’t be able to anticipate all the content, pages, and features that need to go on the site. A design must be planned for each page.

Develop your content and visual design strategy

Make sure all programming and HTML work is done for the site to come together. Produce final web graphics, content, media and enlist the programmers.

Test, launch, and maintain your website

Test and debug your site rigorously, before you go live. Plan time at the end of a project for quality assurance. Also, remember that once a site is working on servers, technical issues can still arise.

Even after your site is being built you still must keep the content fresh, update images and texts and continue to fix bugs left over from the quality assurance. For assistance with your website, contact us, from concept to execution.
