DW Tips

Using Colour Psychology in Web Design

Mar 20, 2015 by Paul

colours-cl3.jpgThere are many aspects to good website design, but did you know that colour can affect everything from a first impression to sales and conversion rates? Some shades and hues are more effective than others depending upon your clientele. 

Let's take a look at how using colour psychology can influence your online audience: 


This is the majority of people's favourite colour and connects with users, think of the popularity of Facebook and its signature shade. Blue also creates a sense of security and trust often associated with banking and financial institutions. 


This powerful colour can actually increase heart rate and creates a sense of urgency. Used in stop signs all over the world, you'll often see it utilized on clearance signs and call to action buttons. 


Seen as optimistic, happy and youthful, imagine the iconic yellow, smiley face image. Commonly used in children's marketing along with the other two bright primary colours. 


Associated with wealth and is the easiest colour for the human brain to process. This calming shade is sometimes used in buildings, stores and institutions for relaxation.


Is also a calming colour, sometimes synonymous with women's products. You'll often see it used with beauty products and anti-aging remedies. 


Another shade with a feminine connections, also seen as romantic and associated with marketing to women, young ladies and girls. 


An aggressive colour used in construction and other cautionary methods. Like its cousin red, you'll often see it used to highlight a call to action. 


Seen as sleek and powerful, this dark shade will sometimes be marketed towards a more luxurious audience and is sometimes associated with high-ticket items. 


This symbol of purity, in design, it can be utilized as "white-space" at times to showcase these other colours in more contrast.

To discuss any aspect of good web design, please feel free to contact us

image courtesy: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

