DW Tips

Control the Formats of Communication to Reduce the Risk of Unprotected Attachments

Jul 20, 2018 by kidd

Online accounting services are easy for customers. Everything from regular bills to warning notices and complex tax obligations are handled through emailed forms and online portals. This means your potential customers can easily gather up all of their PDFs, forms, and online information into one spot without losing track of paper copies. Unfortunately, it also means they might gather everything up and shove the files your way without thinking of specific security concerns. You can protect against it if you:

Prioritize forms and chats over email.

When online businesses first became prominent, the only method of professional, online communication was email. So for a business relationship to form, customers would have to email the business, the business would email back, and trust would slowly build.

But that's not the best way of doing business anymore. Customers don't trust it, and it opens your own company up to emails that are, at best, wastes of time. Instead, put a form and a call to action on every page and wherever it makes sense in your web design. With a form, potential customers can contact you about specific questions, join your mailing list in exchange for content offerings, and more. 

They can't attach files to forms, and you can prioritize messages that come through that format.

Don't let your own guard down. 

When receiving large files with random names and unfamiliar file types is the norm, you and your employees might get used to opening them with the best available approximation of software. But malicious actors know that your company is used to getting messy, bulky files without knowing what's in them. Even more dangerously, they know you have a lot of personal information and financial details in your system. Make sure your antimalware software is regularly updated and that you have multiple layers of protection around emailed attachments and unzipped folders.

Go to Designer Digital for more ways to streamline your site around secure communications.
