DW Tips

3 Reasons Why Your School Should Be Using Social Media

Aug 29, 2015 by Paul

ID-100182065.jpgWhen you think about using social media, you might think about your personal profiles or the profiles that are designed for big businesses. You may not have yet thought about starting up social media profiles for your school, but doing so is important. These are a few reasons why your school should be using social media if it isn't already.

1. Generate Interest in Your School

First of all, you should know that social media is a good way to generate interest in your school. With more and more people looking into things that they are interested in on social media, it's a good way to bring in potential students and to get parents interested.

2. Provide Information Easily

Sharing information with all of the educators, parents and students in a school can be tricky. It can also be hard to share information with the general public. With social media, it's easy to share things like school closings, school registration dates, big sporting events and more with the entire community.

For an example of a school that does this really well, take a look at how Belmont Intermediate School uses Twitter.

3. Teach Students About Responsible Social Media Use

Using social media for positive school-related purposes can set a great example for students. Many parents worry about their kids not using social media responsibly. If they see their school doing so, however, it can be a positive influence for them.

If your school is not already using social media, now is the time to get started. If you need help with promoting your school on all of the major social media sites, contact us to find out more about how we can help you.

image courtesy: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
